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1st and 2nd Century
1st Century
Greeks & Roman Empires
Hellenization & The Maccabeans
The "Jesus" Movement
Christianity in Conflict
Outreach to the Gentiles
The Apostle Paul
The Jerusalem Council
James, brother of Jesus
Beginning of Persecution
Destruction of the Temple
Post-Apostolic Writings
New Testament Canon, Pt 1
New Testament Canon, Pt 2
2nd Century
Roman Persecutions
Apostolic Fathers
The Spirit of Martyrdom
Second Repentance
Second Century Heresies
The Christian Apologists
New Testament Canon, Pt 3
New Testament Canon, Pt 4
Summary and Applications
3rd and 4th Century
3rd Century
The Severian Persecution
Clement of Alexandria
Origen of Alexandria
The Decian Persecution
Cyprian, Bishops, the Pope
New Testament Canon, Pt 5
The Issue of the Trinity
The Church Prospers
4th Century
Politics of the Roman Empire
Church Continues to Grow
The Diocletian Persecution
Constantine Comes to Power
Donatism and Arianism
Conflict with the Donatists
Constantine and Faith
Council of Nicea-325AD
The Nicean Creed
Beginnings of Monasticism
Feedback: Questions/Answers
Biblical Topics
What is False Doctrine?
Two Articles on Biblical Inerrancy
Who Wrote NT Hebrews?
Trinity and the NT
Protestants and the Apocrypha
Saul the Persecutor
Faith, Resurrection and the NT
Tithing and the NT
Demands of Christian Tolerance
Faith and Certainty
Questions: Early Church
Women in the Early Church
When did "Bishops" begin?
Deaths due to the Trinity Creeds?
When was Jesus Born?
Did Tertullian call Paul a Heretic?
Was Athanasius a Black Man?
When did Sunday Worship Begin?
Did Origen Teach Universalism?
Baptism in the Early Church
Candles in Worship
Christianity and Paganism
More Questions-Topics
Wine in the Ancient World
Early Fathers and the Revelation
Early Church and "Holiness"
Is Apostolic Succession True?
"Palestine" in the Roman World
Three Protestant Myths
Constantine and Sun Worship
Constantine and the Donatists
Pacifism and the Faith
Pacifism vs Just War Debate
Early Church and the Military
Pacifism and the NT
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