CH101 Feedback - Menu
Was Saint Athanasius Black?
Why does Tertullian refer to Paul as a heretic?
Did the early church teach universalism?
- When was the birth of Jesus How do we know the year?
- What did the early fathers teach about water baptism?
What does "One baptism" mean in the early creeds?
Was wine in the Bible alcoholic?
How did the early fathers view John's Revelation
- How did the church fathers view
- How did the fathers view
military service?
- Was it "Palestine" or "Israel" in the
Roman Empire?
- Why are candles used in some
- Did Christianity adopt pagan
- Did the early fathers hold to
"apostolic succession?"

Blog Articles by R.A. Baker
"Western" Individualism in the Christian Faith (4 Parts)
Personal Forgiveness/Individualism in the New Testament
How Can a God of Love Also Have Wrath? (4 Parts)
Introduction: The Lamb of God in Revelation
The Role of Women in Early Christianity (6 Part Series)
The Chosen Helped Me "See" the Women Around Jesus
The Women Who Followed Jesus
Women in the Orbit of the Apostle Paul
Women must be silent?...Difficult Pauline passages
Women in Problematic 2nd Century Sects
Part 6: The Importance of Mary and Martha
Historical Errors by Frank Viola in Pagan (4 Parts)
Historical Errors by Frank Viola, Introduction
Christian Church Buildings Prior To Constantine
Is Sunday Morning Preaching Inherently Pagan?
Is Christian Education Inherently Pagan?
Biblical Issues
What exactly is false doctrine?
- Does the New Testament
Support Pacifism?
- Who wrote NT Hebrews
- What is Evidence for the Trinity in the NT?
- Why do the Protestants Reject The Apocrypha?
- Why did Saul become persecutor of the Church?
- The NT, Faith and the Resurrection
- The Jerusalem Council and Tithing
- Why has the Bible been changed through the years?
- Wine in the Ancient World and in the Bible
Emperor Constantine
Did the church start worship on Sunday with Constantine?
- Did Constantine worship the Sun?
- Did Constantine use Roman troops to kill Donatists?
Book Reviews
- Al Baker Book Reviews
- Frank Viola, Pagan Christianity
- D.H. Williams, Retrieving the
- Anthony Buzzard, Doctrine of the
- David Bercot books
Culture and Opinion
- Climate Change, Green Energy and Recent Solar Studies
Casting Doubt on Man-Made Global Warming [MMGW]
- Articles by John S. Gibson
- Faith and Certainty, by Al Baker
- Movie: End of the Spear
- PragerU - Canada
The Hidden Pandemic
- Brain Injuries
- Cardiologists Agree on COVID Jabs
was athanasius black
worship on sunday
origen and universalism
water baptism
wine in ancient world
fathers on NT Revelation
fathers on holiness
fathers on the military
apostolic succession
palestine or israel?
candles in church
pagan influences
constantine-Sun worship
constantine vs donatists
Book Reviews
- church traditions
- book reviews
- Buzzard - the Trinity
- David Bercot books
Biblical Issues
what is false doctrine?
pacifism and the NT
who wrote NT Hebrews
- the trinity
- the apocrypha
- saul the persecutor
- NT, faith, resurrection
- NT and tithing
- Is the NT inspired?
- wine in the bible
Culture and Opinion
- christian tolerance
- faith and certainty
- end of the spear