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Abortion and Planned Parenthood - the Character of our Nation

Sept 30, 2015

My two daughters, both born premature.

In their Annual Report for 2013-2014 Planned Parenthood claims their services are so critical that they cannot make it without the $500M of government monies. They also claim that ONLY 3% of their services are abortions, yet their annual report claims they performed 327,653 abortions.

Abortions have been trending down over the past several years which is good. But I often wonder how we will be held to account for allowing this to go on for so long. 58,305,354 abortions in the USA since Roe v Wade in 1973. Fifty-eight million. You can check out the running abortion tally based on the numbers provided by the Guttmacher Institute, a division of Planned Parenthood.

Now I realize that many who read this will say, "I didn't have an abortion," or "I didn't get anyone pregnant." I could claim both of these statements, but does that mean I am blameless?

Hey, I participated in some pro-life rallies back in the mid-80's. I marched and carried a sign. But I was a bit uncomfortable with some of the techniques being used, so I stopped going to the protests. I did not like how we started laying lifeless in front of abortion clinics to block the entrance - forcing police to pick us up and carry us away. Now, 30 years later I wonder...
What if we could have known that late term babies would be used for organ harvesting? Would that have made a difference? Think about it. Would it be ok to bomb a clinic IF they really are pulling late term babies out quickly enough to harvest organs after having ended their lives? Would we think about it differently?

I am not preaching violence, but I am asking about how guilty I have been for not doing more...for doing SOMETHING.

I do not have answers...only questions. And I have asked God to forgive me for failing to do something.

I am stunned to hear our politicians and would be leaders defend Planned Parenthood and attack the videos for not being 100% accurate. I remember hearing Michelle Obama speak of being proud to be an American for the first time. I am becoming more and more ashamed of being an American as we slide further down the chasm that divides true humanity from the animal kingdom. We have assumed Evolution for so long that we are becoming more like animals and less like a supreme species marked by the image of God.

US News & World Report
Senate Democrats blocked Republican legislation Tuesday that would prohibit most late-term abortions.

We actually debate whether it is ok to end the life of a 28 week gestational fetus.
Both of my daughters were premature: one at 28 weeks, the other at 32 weeks. They both made it and both are living full lives. My youngest (on the left side of the photo) was born in 1995 at 28 weeks and weighed 3 lbs. 4 oz. She lost down to 2 lb.5 oz. and spent 2-3 weeks in an incubator. I literally held her in my hand her little head at the heel of my hand and her tiny feet not even stretching to the tip of my finger.
I got a bit choked up just remembering it....That was 20 years ago! Our technology is far better now.
Yet we glibly snuff out the life of 28 week old babies now for almost any reason.

None of us are blameless.
God help us.

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